Cal Poly Mustang Ball - February 1-2, 2025

Ballroom & Latin DanceSport Competition

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Payment Information

Note: Prices go up on January 23rd

Please go to our Eventbrite Page to purchase tickets.



Competitor registration entitles you to enter an unlimited number of events. The following table summarizes the fees and deadlines:

Deadline January 22, 2025 February 1, 2025
Competitors $45.00 $55.00

Entry fees are per person, not per couple, and include admission. Registration must be submitted by midnight on the date of the deadline and payment must be submitted/postmarked by the deadline to be eligible for the corresponding entry fee. Entries received after February 4th will be added only as space permits.


Spectator prices are as follows:

In Advance At the Door
Regular Seating $12 $17
Premium Seating $20 $25

Premium seating provides reserved front row seating for the Saturday evening session.

Spectator Admission is free for Cal Poly students with a valid school ID! Donations to support this and future competitions are always welcome and are tax deductible.

Payment Submission

Please go to our Eventbrite Page to purchase competitor or spectator tickets.

payment.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/17 17:27 by chris